Saturday, March 8, 2008

Party Pictures

Scott's family threw us a wedding party on Feb. 9th and I am just now getting around to posting the pictures from it. There were lots of more pictures, but I only picked my favorites. Our official reception is going to be on April 11th as far as I know. I just found out last night, but all the details have not been ironed out yet due to phone troubles with the storm. I'll keep you posted! Mari (Scott's sister), Scott & Billy (friend) singing
Peyton (daughter), Tori (niece), & Chelsea (daughter)

Kay (my Granny), Scott & Billy singing

Granny & Scott waiting for the next song to start

Granny cracking up

Ruth (Scott's Mom), Scott, Jim (Scott's Dad) & Me

Our Cake

Cut the Cake

Smear the cake (he started it)

Lick the cake

Clean the mess

I love you!


Dewdrop said...

Looks like y'all had a terrific time! Great pics!

Queen Annie said...

Mark your calendar for April 11th! That is our official reception date. I'm working on ivitations now.

Dewdrop said...

I have marked it. Down there or up here?

Queen Annie said...

Down here at the rodeo place.